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6 February 2008

yellow submarine...

So, I never had really listened to the words of The Beatles' "Yellow Submarine" before yesterday. I think I have listened to the song at least 3 times tonight, too. It is actually really good. I have The Beatles' cd 1 and it's pretty good, too. I started listening to it on Sunday night when I was working on my essay on the 1960s. I also downloaded some The Kinks. I really dig them and want to download more of their stuff, but have been told not to download on this wireless network. Supposedly, the school will kick you off the network. I don't believe it. In fact, I am going to try downloading now.......Well, I've already downloaded three songs and counting. We'll see if anything happens. I bet they don't want people downloading because it takes up too much bandwidth. It's late, though, and hardly anyone is on, so I bet it will not be a big deal. If it is, then I'll stop. If I can download music, I will be so happy. I need some new music to listen to. Plus, I want to keep up with the American new releases. Jack Johnson is coming out with a new cd. The Audition just releases a new cd, Champion, at the end of January. I can't think of anything else I want to get right now, but I'm sure there will be tons, especially new British music. I've already heard some pretty good stuff out in the clubs.

Before I continue with music chat, I want to do a little list of things for people not to forget when they come to Swansea next year and the years to come after. First, bring a bath towell and shower shoes. You can buy them here, but probably not on the first day and after you've travelled for 10+ hours, you're going to want to take a nice hot shower! You don't need to bring a converter/adapter. You can if you want, but you can buy one at the market inside the Quadrant Center. I tell you this, because I went three weeks without my laptop or anything else electronic. It took us forever to find the right kind of plug. Remember, the market's little electronic shop will have what you need. Waterproof shoes would be helpful, but not necessary. Don't use the bedding they give you. You are better off not paying them 25 pounds for an uncomfortable duvet. You might as well go to town, to either Wilkinsons or Woolworths and buy a bedding set. It will look better in your bare room and will most definitely be more comfortable. It probably won't cost you as much either. Girls ad guys: bring clothes to go out. Even if you are not a major partier, you will go out. It's inevitable here because it is just part of the culture. You need to experience it and in order to that you will need clothes and shoes. When you pick out your classes ahead of time at home, don't expect them to offer those classes. I didn't get a single one of the classes I wanted here. I am taking interesting courses, but not what I had anticipated. Be ready to adjust. Oh yeah, try not to lose your keys and student id card in the same week. It cost me 25 pounds. :( I'm sure I will think of more helpful hints, but for now, that's all I have.

Back to the music... I downloaded some Kinks and it's pretty good. I needed something new. it's 60s British rock music and I like it. Now, I am looking for The Audition.

Other than music thoughts, I have some thoughts about my flatmates. (Sidenote: I know that I am supposed to be using this for class credit, but I figure if I can't be honest then what's the point in reflecting on my experience here?!) That said, I like them most of the time. However, there are times when I seriously won't go out of my room almost all day just to avoid them. They are loud all the time. I know that I can be loud, too, but not all the time. I am very much a person that needs quiet time during the day. It's weird, too, because sometimes they get on my nerves with their childish antics. I say that is weird, because they are all older than me, I think. Either way, they are all either older or just about the same age. I could more understand and deal with it if they were 18 year old Welsch students spending just their second semester away from Mummy and Daddy. That's not the case. They are all American and old enough to know better. I mean, they buy toys and ohh and ahhh over them for hours. Maybe I am overexaggerating a little bit, but not very much. They are loud and they do buy toys. They leave other flatmates out of trips and dinners. It's like they just didn't get the memo about manners. I was raised to always ask people to join in on community things, like dinners and whatnot. To me, it is just second nature. I guess it will just take some getting used to, but I am not sure how the next four months are going to go. It will be interesting to say the least.

It will be especially interesting if I cannot sleep at night. I am writing this at 20 minutes until 3 in the morning. I slept most of the day because last night our call buzzer kept going off. It is broken and sounds like an animal being beaten. I was woken up by it at 1:00 in the morning yesterday and couldn't get back to sleep. The night before I worked on my essay for four straight hours, then watch forty minutes of the Superbowl, left the bar and cam back to the flat. That was Sunday night, which turned into Monday morning when I didn't get to sleep until 5 in the morning. For the last three nights I have not gone out, yet I cannot sleep. Tonight, I have plans to go out, but will probably be so tired that I either won't go or will have to call it an early night. I don't have class Wednesday or Thursday, so we'll see.

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