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30 January 2008

library adventures...eek!

First of all, I woke up today with almost no voice. Last night I went to Woody's for a couple hours with my friends. We just hung out and talked. It was a good time, even though we did decide not to go out to town. We decided tonight would be a better choice. So, I got back to my flat and hung out with Dan for a while. We stayed up just talking and it was nice. I haven't really gotten to just sit and talk with a guy for a while. He seems to be a pretty honest, trustworthy friend. I miss my guy friends from back home because it is just different to be able to talk to a guy versus a girl. I'm not trying to be mean, but talking to other girls can just get annoying after a while. Too much estrogen and talk about boys can get on a person's nerves. That said, we had a good conversation about life, music and past crazy experiences. I was surprised that I told him some of the stuff I did, because one thing that I told him I have only told one other person. Sometimes I have trouble trusting people and it just seemes so easy to trust him. I really hope I didn't make a mistake by talking to him about certain things. I would write what those things are, but like I said, I have only told one other person. It's kind of personal.

Getting back to today... I woke up with barely any voice and no sore throat. I didn't yell or talk a lot last night, so I am not real sure as to why my voice has gone and disappeared on me. Either way, it is getting better as the day goes on. I made some soup and then headed to the campus library. I still am lacking a powwer cord for my computer, but will hopefully have one ordered by Friday when I go to London. Using the library's computers is not bad, just inconvenient. This is something that I have noticed about myself; things are very convenient back home. Here, I am running on a different system, one that is not tailored to my wants. It is definitely taking some adjusting. I had to come to the library to do some research for essay, too. I have four books as of right now and I almost got lost trying to find one of them. The library is much bigger than little Lumpkin. It has multiple floors with multiple wings and is just bigger. I do have my books, though, so I am in good shape. My essay is due on Monday and needs to be 3,500 words long. The topic is the change in politics and the change in music and how the two are related throughout the 1960s. I think it should be an interesting paper to write, figuring that I love music and am learning more each day about politics.

I need to work on my essay this afternoon, all day tomorrow and then finish it up on Saturday and Sunday. I won't be able to work on it Friday due to my trip to London. It is kind of bad timing, but that is okay. We will have fun in London and I will just work extra hard to get my paper done on time.

One last thing...I just got an email today from Rusty saying that he has resigned from BC. I am pretty sure that I almost cried. I really owe credit to him for a lot of the knowledge I have gained over the past three years. He has pushed me to get better at what I do and manage my time better. I will never forget the day I told him my mom had passed away the night before. He didn't even hesitate to get up and give me a hug, which I needed desperately. Also, I know that he was always there for me no matter what. I really will miss him and am sad to see him leave before I get back.

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